Isabelle Reutzel

Hypnosis Practitionner

Remote Sessions

 Français | English | Deutsch

As a practitioner of hypnosis, my approach is aimed at well-being, personal achievement, and fulfillment, and can also be integrated into a medical care pathway.

Through hypnosis, I guide you in discovering and using your inner resources, with the aim of reprogramming your mind to achieve your personal goals.

I offer online sessions that allow you to overcome the constraints of distance and transportation. This way, you can completely settle in at your convenience and enjoy the familiarity of your environment.

I provide remote sessions because the benefits of hypnosis are the same as in face-to-face consultations, with the advantage that you learn hypnosis and the language of your mind from your home – or from the location of your choice – that is, in the reality of your daily life.

Do you find yourself reacting in ways you can’t control?
Having trouble managing your emotions?
Feeling “stuck” in behaviors that bother you?

Hypnosis can help.

Application areas

Regardless of your issue, I can assist you through hypnosis to regain control over your life.


Are you suffering from sleep disorders such as insomnia, frequent awakenings, night terrors, nightmares, or bruxism?

Mental Preparation

Are you facing a sporting event or an important performance? Do you struggle with self-confidence, have difficulty speaking in public, overcoming yourself, or achieving your goals?

Life Transitions

Death, separation, job loss or change, ending or starting a project, entering a new phase of life… Whether chosen or forced upon you, your life is marked by transitions. Do you find them challenging to navigate?


Have you lost the freedom to choose whether to use tobacco, sugar, drugs, medications, as well as video games, screens, or certain behaviors?

Anxieties and Fears

Is a fear ruining your life? Whether it’s fear of the dark, fire, crowds, heights, flying, insects, animals… hypnosis can assist you.

Professional Development

 Are you experiencing harassment, burnout or bore-out, or suffering at work? Or do you face challenges in realizing your potential, seizing opportunities, or developing your potential?

Emotional Management, Automatic Reactions, and the Past

 Do you feel overwhelmed by one or more emotions? Do you feel as though you’re enduring your reactions? Does a situation from your past still affect you in the present? Traumas, repressed emotions, undigested events… Are things weighing on you?

Eating Disorders

Do you encounter difficulties in reaching or maintaining your ideal weight, or are you dissatisfied with your behavior towards food? Do you struggle to recognize the feeling of fullness?

Support Along Your Care Journey

Has your doctor or any other practitioner recommended hypnosis as a complement to your care journey?

Do you have an alcohol problem?

 Trained in the “Alcool et Dépendance” method, I provide specific and comprehensive support to help you free yourself from alcohol.

Online sessions, to support you from home… in French, English, or German.


I consulted Isabelle for various issues and, each time, I was blown away by everything that could happen in a single session. Each step she helps me take makes me want to go further, to become a better version of myself. Her perspective on situations is very accurate, and she always manages to guide me to the best place to progress on each issue. Whatever happens to me in a session, she has always found the right words and tone. I plan to see her again to continue on this path I started a few months ago.

Elodie, 37

Store Manager, Caen, France

Isabelle has the gift of accompanying me with gentleness, tact, and delicacy during my sessions. It’s a process that unfolds with respect and support. I am incredibly grateful for the work we do together. It’s fascinating! Hypnosis prompts me to examine my way of functioning under a microscope and discover details to which I had not yet awakened. I only have one question… why didn’t I take the step sooner!

Brigitte, 39

Lawyer, Dublin, Irland

Isabelle supported me with hypnosis at a time when I needed to regain confidence in my abilities… And I can say there was a “before” and an “after”! Where I used to procrastinate and doubt a lot, I found a beneficial momentum that has stayed with me since that session several weeks ago!

I particularly appreciated how Isabelle guided me during the practice: both present and empathetic, she did not hesitate to “push” me to progress and overcome key thresholds. Bravo and thank you for what I feel like a sort of liberation!

Emma, 51

Engineer, Lyon, France

I had several hypnosis sessions with Isabelle, one in particular was extremely powerful and liberating. Isabelle is a mix of humor, dynamism, gentleness, and metaphorical stories.

Great sensitivity and an immense ability to detect the source of blockages.

I felt trust and safety with her, her questions are relevant and allow viewing things from another perspective.

I thank you, Isabelle, for everything you have brought me, it’s precious.

Sofia, 42

Coach, Switzerland

I discovered hypnosis support with Isabelle; she took the time to explain the concept, the course of a session, and to reassure me thoroughly. Today, each session is a real advancement for me; she is particularly attentive, takes the time to delve deep and to clearly define my needs, which is perhaps why the sessions are so effectively efficient.

I recommend Isabelle with confidence, to the point of bringing my child to her.


Charlotte, 41 ans

Management Controller, Berlin

Each session is unique. What will yours look like?


Hypnosis, a powerful tool at the service of your needds, your development and your fulfillment.

Lets’s talk about hypnosis

My answers to your most common questions.

What is hypnosis ?

The state of hypnosis is conducive to ultra-concentration on yourself and introspection. In hypnosis, you illuminate unconscious mechanisms, blockages, resistances, and barriers that hold you back, but you also discover your needs, aspirations, desires, motivations, and deep needs without any filter. You act on what no longer suits you, learn to (re)mobilize your resources, and if necessary, to release emotional burdens or traumas that still paralyze you in the present.

What does hypnosis enable?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool with which you will regain control over mechanisms or behaviors that manifest automatically within you, without you really knowing why, and which often do not suit you. These behaviors are unconsciously anchored and express themselves “by default” in your daily life, at work, in your relationships, and many other areas. Hypnosis allows you to take control of these mechanisms and reprogram them to your advantage.

Is everyone receptive to hypnosis?

Absolutely. The state of hypnosis is a natural state and therefore accessible to everyone. There isn’t just “one state of hypnosis,” but several altered states of consciousness, some of which are particularly conducive to self-work. There are as many ways to enter hypnosis as there are people on Earth, and it’s my job to create, with you, the technique that suits you.

Does hypnosis present any risks?

The hypnotic state itself is a natural state that everyone can experience (generally without realizing it) several times a day. As such, it presents no risk. When practiced by a qualified professional, it is considered a safe and risk-free method.

How many sessions should I do?

Just like the sessions, my support is customized and entirely dedicated to achieving your goal. Everyone progresses at their own pace. Therefore, I cannot tell you in advance how many sessions will be precisely necessary, but I recommend on average 1 to 5 hypnosis sessions spaced about three weeks apart on the same issue, knowing that change begins from the first session and continues at an unconscious level thereafter.

How does a session work?

Your session begins with an exchange period during which my questions guide you to present the reason for your consultation and your goals. Then comes the preparation and induction into hypnosis, tailored to your way of being and directed towards the core work. This continues at the pace of your progress and precedes the phase of gradual return to your more ordinary state of consciousness, with a moment to discuss your experience and the next steps. A session lasts about an hour.

Will I be manipulated? Do things I wouldn't "normally" do?
We are not in the realm of stage hypnosis here, whose goal is to make people under hypnosis do “extraordinary” things. The purpose of our work together is to help you progress and overcome the problems you address in sessions. Ericksonian hypnosis, practiced with total respect for your autonomy and choices, ensures that you will never be prompted to act against your will or moral principles. During the sessions, you retain full control of your actions and decisions, thus ensuring that all your behaviors remain aligned with your values.
Will I lose control?

The goal of work under hypnosis is precisely to enable you to regain control over deeply ingrained unconscious mechanisms and automatisms. To achieve this, you enter a modified state of consciousness in which you highlight these “default programs,” such as blockages, resistances, connections, associations… that create issues for you at a more conscious level. During the hypnosis phase, you will be in a state of ultra-concentration on the subject you are addressing, while the rest of the world seems to fade into the background.

Unique sessions... what does that mean?

I don’t have ready-made solutions or magic recipes, but powerful tools of change that I put at the service of your needs and your development. I don’t have ONE solution for addiction issues, ONE solution for sleep-related issues… I don’t have a typical session. This is why every session is unique. We identify and clarify your situation together, your way of having your problem to identify your goals and together create the best way for you to enter into hypnosis and work on it.

Will I sleep? Close my eyes?

Perhaps closing your eyes to better focus on what is happening inside you… this entirely depends on your comfort and is not a requirement for hypnosis to be effective. But sleep, no! The state of hypnosis may resemble sleep (especially in the popular imagination), but in reality, it is more about hyper-concentration on your internal mechanisms while the rest of the world fades away. However, we maintain constant contact! In hypnosis, you answer my questions, and we interact, allowing me to be as close as possible to your experience and work, and to support you in the best possible way.

What happens when I am in a hypnotic state?

After the preparation phase, the actual hypnosis work begins. During this phase, we implement the therapeutic work we discussed at the beginning of the session. I continue to support you closely throughout your experience. We never lose contact, and you can tell me at any moment where you are and what’s happening to you. I then continually adapt the work based on what you’re doing and never leave you alone with the unknown.

A qui s'adressent les séances ?

A tout le monde ! L’hypnose est un état naturel, accessible à tous. Je travaille avec les femmes, les hommes et les enfants à partir de 7 ans.

Remote hypnosis?

 Yes! Remote hypnosis is just as effective as in-person sessions, which is why I offer sessions via teleconsultation. This way, I can support you wherever you are. Just ensure you have a quality internet connection, are seated quietly without the risk of disturbance, and have good headphones for an even more intense consultation.

What happens when I am in a hypnotic state? After the preparation phase, the actual hypnosis work begins. During this phase, we implement the therapeutic work we discussed at the beginning of the session. I continue to support you closely throughout your experience. We never lose contact, and you can tell me at any moment where you are and what’s happening to you. I then continually adapt the work based on what you’re doing and never leave you alone with the unknown.

Remote hypnosis? Yes! Remote hypnosis is just as effective as in-person sessions, which is why I offer sessions via teleconsultation. This way, I can support you wherever you are. Just ensure you have a quality internet connection, are seated quietly without the risk of disturbance, and have good headphones for an even more intense consultation.


Is what we discuss confidential?

Absolutely! What is said in the session stays in the session between you and me. I do not share information about you and our work with anyone.

You’re just one session away from changing…

About me

I encountered hypnosis at a time when I was facing personal challenges. In a way, it was out of desperation that I turned to this alternative form of therapy… and to therapy in general, I must say! But… I was blown away by how quickly and effectively it worked.

Hypnosis literally changed my life.

Struggling and getting nowhere for years in a situation that seemed hopeless, I managed to completely turn my situation around and take control of my life in just two sessions.

I was instantly convinced: hypnosis allows for deep realizations and the implementation of effective and lasting changes. Fascinated by the innate abilities of our minds to self-regulate, heal, and transform… which I was experiencing firsthand, I couldn’t believe I had been completely unaware of this for so many years.

It was a revelation! From that first encounter, I knew I wouldn’t stop there… and since then, I’ve been continuously striving to understand altered states of consciousness and their impact on the unconscious workings of humans… first for myself, but then for others.

Trained as a lawyer, with a doctorate in legal sciences, married and a mother of two, I’ve had a nearly 20-year career in the space and public administration sectors. I’m familiar with the challenges of working in modern organizations and the energy required to balance career demands with family and personal ambitions.

I am a technician and certified practitioner in Ericksonian hypnosis, graduated from the A.R.C.H.E (Academy for Research and Knowledge in Ericksonian Hypnosis, under the direction of Kévin Finel), and I continue to train constantly with French-speaking, English-speaking, and German-speaking institutions to stay up to date with scientific developments and better understand and meet the needs of those who come to work with me.

Bi-national and multicultural, I now offer my services in French, English, and German remotely to assist anyone in need on their journey to change, working on their inner programming and respecting their personal needs.

Today, I work with people from all over the world, driven by a passion for hypnosis, fascinated by what drives change in people, and with a deep respect for humanity, to help those in need regain control over their lives.

Alcool et Dépendance : Teamwork

I participated in the creation of “Alcool et Dépendance” in 2021 and am trained in this support method.

A true philosophy built around the experience and expertise of Olivier, who has been an abstinent alcoholic for 15 years (and is also a practitioner of hypnosis), “Alcohol and Dependence” offers strategic, comprehensive, and fully personalized support to help individuals with an alcohol problem achieve lasting freedom.

Alcohol dependence is a chronic disease… but with the right tools and the right team, it is entirely possible to learn to live with it, put the disease at a distance, and reconnect with a free life.


I am neither a doctor nor a healthcare provider. I am a trained and certified practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian hypnosis.

The content broadly (my speeches, texts, photos, etc.) on the site is provided for informational purposes only and should in no way replace a medical examination, consultation, diagnosis, or medical treatment.

Never discontinue a medical treatment without the permission of your doctor. Always seek advice from your doctor or another qualified health professional for any questions related to your own or a close one’s health or nutrition.

In case of a medical emergency, or if you have the slightest doubt about your physical or psychological integrity, immediately contact your doctor or the hospital.