Do you have an alcohol problem?

Have you tried multiple times to moderate, change your drinking habits,
or even completely stop drinking?

Can you not imagine your life without alcohol,
yet you know well that you can’t continue like this?

I am trained by
“Alcool et Dépendance”,

and I can help you !

Quitting drinking is a difficult decision to make.

For many, it’s the most difficult decision of their lives.

So let’s be honest… No one leaves alcohol
out of joy and desire.

I know it.

I know that you have probably already imagined and tried many things as long as…

as long as you don’t have to stop drinking.

I know that the idea of stopping drinking can be terrifying.

But I also know that quitting alcohol is possible,
even if it may seem unimaginable to you today…

And I know that no one has ever regretted their decision to stop drinking.

No, no one regrets having escaped from that prison,
having taken back control of their life, having time and money
to spend on what truly interests them,
having learned to know themselves
and having reconnected with their life.

I am trained in the “Alcool et Dépendance” method,
and I provide a unique online support
to help you effectively and sustainably break free from alcohol.

Designed by Olivier, a teetotaler for over 15 years and a practitioner of hypnosis himself, the “Alcool et Dépendance” method is an effective and innovative mix of psychoeducation, hypnosis, and coaching.

This method enables you to take back control over your life and makes you fully active in your departure from alcohol.

You are not responsible for your disease… but you are in charge of your recovery.

And for that, you are not alone! I am by your side.

Breaking free from alcohol is a team effort…
I am here to be part of yours!

Practical information :

The coaching sessions to break free from alcohol are individual and conducted online via the Zoom video conferencing platform. It’s an easy-to-use platform; you won’t have to install or download anything.

To connect, I will send you a personalized link upon confirmation of the appointment.

A coaching session costs 70€ and lasts about an hour. Payments for sessions are made at the time of booking and are non-refundable.


I am neither a doctor nor a healthcare provider. I am a trained and certified practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian hypnosis.

The content broadly (my speeches, texts, photos, etc.) on the site is provided for informational purposes only and should in no way replace a medical examination, consultation, diagnosis, or medical treatment.

Never discontinue a medical treatment without the permission of your doctor. Always seek advice from your doctor or another qualified health professional for any questions related to your own or a close one’s health or nutrition.

In case of a medical emergency, or if you have the slightest doubt about your physical or psychological integrity, immediately contact your doctor or the hospital.